Lincoln School
If you have photos of this school (including an original print of the above photo), or if you have memories to share, contact us.
District formed | 1846 |
Years schools built | 1873 |
General location | "Government Hill" |
Modern address | Between North 3rd and North 4th Streets, bounded by Laurel and School Streets |
District boundaries | |
Disposition | Razed |
Notes | The bell rang for the last time in September 1939. After that the large bell was taken down and the building razed some of the stone and arches used in the construction of St. Judes Church of the Lake in Mahtomedi. The bell found a home for many years outside the school district offices on Greeley Street, but now has found new life in the Stillwater Area High School. |
Known Teachers
Eva Smith, principal for many years and served at the same time as her sister, Sarah Smith |
Zona R. Doyle, long-time first grade teacher | |
Maud Soule |
Anna Heffernan | |
Mary Brown | |
Daisy Strom | |
Lizzie Hicks | |
Ella O'Donnell | |
Myrtle Reed | |
Gertrude Glennon | |
Claire Cooper | |
Adda Roney | |
Lula Meeds | |
Videl Finley | |
Mollie Land and Miss Gramling taught music and Minerva Dodd taught drawing | |
1934-1935: | Marion McKusick, kindergarten |
Hulda Allenson, first grade | |
Nell Emerson, second grade | |
Marjorie McGee, third grade | |
Mrs. Ethel Foley, fourth grade | |
Miss Frank Davis, fifth grade | |
Josephine Pozzini, sixth grade | |
Maude Murray, seventh grade | |
Miss Evelyn Kottka, principal |