
About WCHS

District No. 30, Langdon School

Part of Washington County Schools of the Past

If you have photos of this school or if you have memories of the school to share, contact us.

District No. 30, Langdon School
District formed 1873, changed 1918
Years schools built N/A
General location N/A
Modern address Hwy. 61 near Jamaca
District boundaries N/A
Disposition Now a meeting hall.

1873: District established.
1878: Temporary school built
1879: New school built.
Interesting facts:
*Consisted of 8 grades
*The first school was taught in a small "shanty" on Henry Morgan's place. Then a tenement house owned by Levi Bailey.
*Langdon now incorporated into Cottage Grove. The village consists of 16 houses now.
*At one time, the curriculum included going to movies and the Capitol for field trips.
*Student enrollment: 1881: 52 students. 1898: 21 students. 1939: 28 students.

Memories: "The equipment of the school has always been considered among the best in the county and the interest of teachers, parents, and friends is well manifested in the provision of a library numbering some 150 books." - Stillwater Gazette, December 1898.

Known Teachers:

1873-4: Martin Severance
1878-9: Jennie Witherspoon
1898-9: Natie Collopy
1930-1: Alice Howard
1931-2: Alice Howard
1936-7: Rebecca Holton
1938-9: Mary Merry
1939-40: Mary Merry
1944-5: Ann Redmond
1946-7: Agnes Wilhelm and Martha Stoen
Other teachers: Julia Latham, Sarah Howard, George Seamer, Mrs. Ed McDonald, Francis Mosher Kemp, Lizzie Brown, Lizzie Sullivan, Matie Watson, Mary Baily Cowell, Mary Wright Bahe, Margaret Dinwoodie Belden.
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