If you have photos of this school or if you have memories of the school to share, contact us.
District formed | 1873, changed 1918 |
Years schools built | N/A |
General location | N/A |
Modern address | Hwy. 61 near Jamaca |
District boundaries | N/A |
Disposition | Now a meeting hall. |
Notes |
1873: District established. |
Memories: | "The equipment of the school has always been considered among the best in the county and the interest of teachers, parents, and friends is well manifested in the provision of a library numbering some 150 books." - Stillwater Gazette, December 1898. |
Known Teachers:
1873-4: Martin Severance 1878-9: Jennie Witherspoon 1898-9: Natie Collopy 1930-1: Alice Howard 1931-2: Alice Howard 1936-7: Rebecca Holton 1938-9: Mary Merry 1939-40: Mary Merry 1944-5: Ann Redmond 1946-7: Agnes Wilhelm and Martha Stoen |
Other teachers: Julia Latham, Sarah Howard, George Seamer, Mrs. Ed McDonald, Francis Mosher Kemp, Lizzie Brown, Lizzie Sullivan, Matie Watson, Mary Baily Cowell, Mary Wright Bahe, Margaret Dinwoodie Belden. |