If you have photos of this school (including an original print of the above photo), or if you have memories of the school to share, contact us.
District formed | 1870 |
Years schools built | 1920s |
General location | Western Washington County, just north of Moore Lake. |
Modern address | Located at Grey Cloud Island Drive and Geneva. |
District boundaries | N/A |
Disposition | Now residences. |
Notes | - 1870: School is first
held in a building situated in a grove north of a Herbert Ames' house.
A new school is built later that year. - 1880s: School is moved. - 1920s: A new yellow stucco school replaces the old. - 1937: The school is consolidated to St. Paul Park along Mooer's Lake, named after a fur trader of MN. - Most of the records of this school are incomplete. Before it was rebuilt, it was known to be a very small school, and apparently had shown its "wear and tear"; clearly it deteriorated greatly over the years. Roads were known to be either sandy in the summer or blocked by snow in the winter so attendance was very poor. - In 1899, there were 27 pupils, half were of Native American descent. - Poor attendance by students was a significant problem at this school, as noted by many of the teachers. |
Known Teachers:
1898-9: Mamie Daly 1910s: Hattie Ames 1935-6: Helen Keith Other teachers: (before 1898): Mary Daulton, Lydia Wilkins, B.R. Morrisy, Mary Collopy, George Hammer, Addie Mosher, Annie O'Connor, Laura Goff. |