If you have photos of this school (including an original print of the above photo), or if you have memories of the school to share, contact us.
District formed | 1877 |
Years schools built | 1880, 1890 |
General location | North of Scandia |
Modern address | Located at Mayberry Trail at Manning Ave. |
District boundaries | N/A |
Disposition | Now razed. |
Notes | 1877: District established 1877-8: Classes first held at home of John Swenson. In early days, school lasted for a month. Later, it went from April to June. 1879-80: School was conducted in a shed on the John Dalin farm. 1880: School built. 1982: School razed. Interesting facts: *The average attendance in the early days of the district was only half the days school was in session. Most of the children had to work at home on the farm. *Eventually 71 students attended the small school ages 6-17. By 1938, school enrollment was 12 students. |
Memories: | "The bell in the bell tower had a lovely sound that traveled quite a distance. If you heard the bell, while on your way to school, you knew you had taken too much time exploring all the fascinating things along your pathway and you were going to be late!" -Beverly Wahlquist Smith |
Known Teachers:
1878: A.B. Falk 1880-1: Christina Young 1894-5: Adolph N. Toxelle 1895-6: Dr. Seashore?? 1896-7: Mary Moline 1897-8: Nancy Weberg 1898-9: Ella Weberg 1905-6: Gertrude Anderson, Emma Erlanson?? 1908-9: Eva H. Olson 1921-2: Ruth Swanson 1924-5: Ida Johnson 1938-9: Viola Piculell 1939-40: Viola Piculell late 1930s: Vinette Abrahamson 1950s: Judith Wahlquist Other teachers: (before 1898): Mary Hult, Maggie Grady, Nancy Weberg |