If you have photos of this school (including an original print of the above photo), or if you have memories of the school to share, contact us.
District formed | 1892 |
Years schools built | N/A |
General location | N/A |
Modern address | Located on Hwy. 61 and 190th St. |
District boundaries | N/A |
Disposition | Burned. |
Notes | *There were 5 grades:
A, B, C, D, and E. *School was 8 months long. *The district was formed from districts 56 and 67. *Enrollment in 1898: 34 students. *The school first opened in 1893. |
Memories: | "A labor of love that impressed me was to learn about the thoughtfulness of the mothers on cold, winter days. They took turns bringing a hot dish, soup, home baked beans or scalloped potatoes to add to cold lunches the children brought from home in their lunch pails. There also was an oil stove for cooking. Sometimes they had hot chocolate to drink, which at times was a little scorched." -Elsie Vogel "Lost Town of Garen Remembered by Few", The Times, Oct. 31, 1991 |
Known Teachers:
1897-8: Routina Leander Other teachers: (1893-8): Mary Monlin (first teacher), Marie Anderson, Ella Olson, Emma Haefner, Selma Holcombe. (after 1898): Margaret Cable Mathe. |