
Support WCHS

Endowment fund

You may have heard that Washington County is scaling back support for many non-profit groups, the WCHS among them. This loss of operating funds is a severe blow to our organization and steps have already been taken to reduce services to match our available funding.

You can help. Contributions to the WCHS endowment fund are one way to keep our doors open and the lights on, allowing our visitors the opportunity to discover Washington County's past.

The WCHS endowment is a perpetual fund for everyday administrative and operating expenses. Only the earned income it yields is used. The principal in the endowment fund remains untouched, permitting it to continue to grow.

It was established by a resolution adopted at the annual membership meeting on November 1, 1984. This marked the first time in the WCHS's history that formal action was taken to assuring financing of future activity with a permanent, ongoing source of revenue.

Administering the fund is an endowment committee.

The WCHS endowment fund affords interested individuals and organizations an opportunity to donate tax-deductible gifts of cash, stocks, bonds, securities and other property.

Send your gift to Washington County Historical Society, Endowment Fund, P. O. Box 167, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082.